

Meet our partners & hear what they have to say!



    The Dazzle Africa Modern Safari Experience brings positive change for the people and areas of the region and gives travelers a deeper safari experience by meeting with conservationists, seeing schools, meeting sponsored students and generally removing the veil between the safari world and local Zambians. Modern means that your money gives you an exceptional safari that you will be reminiscing about for years to come and that same money will be used to help the region thrive. In essence, The Modern Safari takes the best of the traditional safari experience and melds it with a greater emphasis on authenticity, connection, and philanthropy.


    Since officially registering in 2003, Conservation South Luangwa (CSL) has worked in partnership with Zambia’s Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW) on the frontline of wildlife conservation and human wildlife coexistence in the South Luangwa Valley. We work to protect the 1,400,000 hectares of largely intact wilderness in eastern Zambia that make up the South Luangwa National Park, and a network of surrounding Game Management Areas.

    CSL practices a multi-faceted approach to wildlife resource management and protection, working in collaboration with DNPW to implement counter trade/trafficking measures including anti-poaching foot patrols, aerial surveillance, sniffer dog detection and tracking work, alongside direct community engagement with people living alongside the extraordinary wildlife of the South Luangwa Valley.


    The Zambian Carnivore Programme (ZCP) is a Zambian-registered non-profit organization dedicated to conserving large carnivores and the ecosystems they reside in through a combination of conservation science, conservation actions, and a comprehensive education and capacity-building effort. We work in close collaboration with the Department of National Parks and Wildlife to accomplish the following goals: To safeguard large carnivores, their prey and habitat through research, conservation and education. To utilize large carnivores and their prey as flagship species for large landscape conservation. To provide information and recommendations to the DNPW and support efforts to conserve wildlife and ecosystems. To increase knowledge and understanding of large carnivore and large herbivore dynamics and interrelationships and contribute to conservation of these species as a whole. To build capacity with Zambian organizations and governmental agencies for conservation of large carnivores and herbivores, their ecological functions and habitats.


Hiding in the shadows of climate change.

Rachel McRobb, CEO & Founder of Conservation South Luangwa & Benson Kanyembo, Head of Intelligence talks about the organization, poaching and Human Wildlife Conflict in the South Luangwa.